A venir
-A Rugby Afternoon at the prestigious Lycée Français Saint Louis-
The French Chamber of Commerce in Sweden invites you to a unique event that combines the French passion for rugby with the excellence of the prestigious Lycée Français Saint Louis de Stockholm on Sunday 23 February.
You can find the full invitation and all the information you need for this event in our Newsletter that is published every Friday.
To subscribe to our Newsletter, click here: https://www.ccfs.se/publications/recevez-notre-newsletter.html or send us an email at communication@ccfs.se
-An Exclusive Evening of Design at Villa Dagmar-
We are delighted to invite you to a must-attend event in collaboration with Villa Dagmar and Susan Szatmáry on February, 20th.
You can find the full invitation and all the information you need for this event in our Newsletter that is published every Friday.
To subscribe to our Newsletter, click here: https://www.ccfs.se/publications/recevez-notre-newsletter.html or send us an email at communication@ccfs.se
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