
HR Committee : How to Act in Unfamiliar Situations with Akteos



Wednesday 16 May we welcomed Anne Marie van Schaik and Fanny Spruytte from Akteos, a specialist in Cross-Cultural Management offering intercultural training courses to improve firms’ communication and business skills. Akteos helps companies to be successful in an international setting. The focus of this 2-hours introduction workshop on intercultural training was recognising cultural similarities and differences.


Insight into Swedish and French business culture

Fanny Spruytte, Consultant at Akteos, introduced the Nomad’ Network to our members. This cultural profiler is a unique learning tool developed by Akteos experts based on 10 cultural dimensions and helping people discover their communication and working style as well as other culturally determined preferences. It allows people to compare their profile with other cultures and become aware of the common denominators and cultural gaps. Fanny demonstrated this with the help of witty videos, pictures and real-life cases.


Everybody in the room felt addressed and recognised the similarities and differences between the Swedish and French business culture. This successful workshop came to an end with a glass of champagne.


Members of the CCFS who were not able to attend have the possibility to get a free introduction to the Nomad’ Network by asking for a demo on the Akteos website: https://www.akteos.nl/nomad-network/


Anne Marie will give you a quick introduction of the tool and all of their programmes are geared towards your specific needs. Feel free to contact Anne Marie van Schaik, Account Manager at Akteos for more information: +31 (0)88 02 88 090 | annemarie.vanschaik(@)akteos.nl


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